Those were the big events not to mention gun shows, writing articles for a few different hunting magazines and to help in my local NRA chapters fund raising efforts, visiting family, looking for the next awesome gun range, wondering what is going on with this countries confusing political hurricane, and as always, trying to promote my book and help hunters maximize their shooting capabilities.
I am starting an article that deals with trajectory, energy down range and precision provided by your weapon, and the error introduced by the shooter. It should be a lot of fun. I hope to get some peoples attention and maybe even ruffle a few feathers with this one.
As always, I am anxious to hear your thoughts, favorite stories or dumbest moments. If you have questions or quandaries, I would love to provide numbers, ballistic calculations or comparisons that will help you out.
On a different note...., do what you can now to influence others for good. Whether that be in the political arena, your neighborhood or your home. Do you best, or at least give your best effort to d a good thing. If you want to eat tomorrow, you better plant your garden today. Shoot safely, and do your part!
Take care. Andrew C.
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